Hi, it's me again!
Welcome to 607web, my personal site on the web. Here you can find a variety of content, some of which in Dutch, some of which in English. If you know both: great. If not: try to find the English stuff. ;) The content on here was created over more than a decade for various occasions, and you might find some interest in some of it. This is an informal website in which I put up whatever project I might like to share, if it is suitable for website-based sharing. Some links are external.
Possibly relevant links
My YouTube Channel (See recommendations)
Self-made games and applications
Ice Age GBA Password Generator
Motifs in Henry Jackman's Pokémon: Detective Pikachu Soundtrack
My 30 Note Music Box / Mijn 30-notige muziekdoos
Video Game Soundtrack Recommendations
K. van den Akker in de wonderlijke wereld van de blues en de jazz
Graphical creations
Desktop wallpapers with Bible verses (1920 x 1080)
Regarding video games
Deze games moet je gesmurft hebben
The Lion King (SNES / Mega Drive)
Hoe geef ik mijn game een goed wachtwoordsysteem / Designing a password system for video games
Sterren uit de ruimtegametijdlijn
Waarom de zwart-witte Game Boy het van de kleurrijke concurrentie won
GBA Cartridges: Bootleg or Genuine.
Other things I wrote
I made an Extremely Stupid Mistake, and thank God for it
Operatio Ovis/Operatie Schaap/Operation Sheep
Computers, technology and the web
Verantwoorde kunstmatige intelligentie
WEAT is not neat: on the reliability and validity of the Word Embedding Association Test
LM investigation using diagnostic classifiers: LSTMs challenge Transformers' DIBS
Van BBS tot Reddit: een kort overzicht van communicatieplatforms
Brute force wachtwoorden achterhalen
Pixar – het begin van 3D-animatie
Politics/Society (all in Dutch)
Multicultureel Nederland: een welkome uitdaging
Google versus privacy: een afweging.
Sokrates vs. Bush: de situatie in het Midden-Oosten
Twee gezichten van de vleesindustrie
Waarom de Friese taal onze aandacht niet waard is
Audience design: codemixing met het Engels in een dialoog
Starting University | A Journal
Peculiar stuff
Significante getalen, snelheid 175 %
You can contact me at 607[at]607web.nl. I will probably respond quickly.
Old site
This website was originally hosted at folk.simpsite.nl. For the sake of nostalgia, here is that which folk.simpsite.nl started with. While folk.simpsite.nl was not my first website, this is the oldest personal web content of mine that I still have (it has been online since 2013 or before). I'm surprised that the counters still work! I converted the pages to proper html and fixed the links to point to this website instead of to folk.simpsite.nl, but I decided to not include any CSS or PHP, as I thought that didn't fit. There was also a chatbox, but that did cease working some years ago.
Click here to go to (a conversion of) the old homepage.